GSACEP Government Services ACEP
GSACEP represents emergency physicians who work in the federal government, including active duty military, National Guard, and military Reserves, as well as the Veteran’s Administration, Indian Health Service, and other federal agencies.This podcast series will feature selected lectures from the 2021 Government Services Symposium as well as conversations with leaders in military emergency medicine.Our mission is advancing emergency care for America’s heroes. In this podcast, we bring you lectures and conversations with leaders in federal emergency medicine to help you better care for your patients and lead your departments.The views expressed on this podcast are personal views, and do not represent the views of the Department of Defense, any branch of the military, or the federal government, and they do not constitute endorsement of any product by any of these entities.
31 episodes
GSACEP Lecture Series: Pediatric Update by Dr. Nadia Pearson
Hear the latest for the littles from pediatric EM physician Dr. Nadia Pearson.
Season 2
Episode 9

GSACEP Lecture Series: ABEM Update by Dr. Dave Barry
GSACEP and military medical legend Dr. Dave Barry shares an update on ABEM's activities at GSS 2022. GSACEP was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Dr. Barry earlier this week. We treasure this opportunity to hear h...
Season 2
Episode 8

GSACEP Lecture Series: 12 Days in Kabul by Dr. Kat Landa
Dr. Landa shares her experience at Kabul International Airport during the American evacuation and Abbey gate MASCAL event.
Season 2
Episode 7

GSACEP Lecture Series: Afghanistan Evacuation Mission Panel Discussion
GSACEP emergency physicians reflect on the fall of Kabul and the evacuation of Afghanistan in the final days of the US presence. Featuring Dr. Katrina Landa, MD; Travis Callahan, PA-C ; Andrew Chambers, RN; Dr. Roderick Fontenette, MD; Dr...
Season 2
Episode 5

GSACEP Lecture Series: Pediatric Updates by Dr. Nadia Pearson
How to Claim CME for this Lecture:This lecture is eligible for 1.0 Cat 1 CME Credits. 1. Go to http://gsacep.cmecertificateonline.com2. Click on the 2022 Annual Conference - Enduring only link.3. Evalua...
Season 2
Episode 4

GSACEP Lecture Series: Wearables: Your Secret to Unlocking your Wellness by Dr Andrea Austin
How to Claim CME for this Lecture:This lecture is eligible for 0.5 Cat 1 CME Credits. 1. Go to http://gsacep.cmecertificateonline.com2. Click on the 2022 Annual Conference - Enduring only link.3. Evalua...
Season 2
Episode 3

GSACEP Lecture Series: Where do I go from here? Career transitions and opportunities. by Col Max Lee, MD
Col Max Lee shares the opportunities that come at crossroads in your military career. How to Claim CME for this Lecture:This lecture is eligible for 1.0 Cat 1 CME Credits. 1. Go to http://gsacep.cmecertif...
Season 2
Episode 2

GSACEP Lecture Series: The History and Future of Emergency Medicine by Dr Gillian Schmitz
ACEP President and GSACEP member Dr. Gillian Schmitz shares how we evolved to this current time in emergency medicine and priorities going forward as our specialty continues to serve patients and our nation.How to Claim CME for this ...
Season 2
Episode 1

GSACEP Lecture Series: Thicker Than Water: Blood Product Resuscitation in the Operational Environment by Meaghan Keville, MD
Dr. Meaghan Keville, MD, is an emergency physician with Air Force Special Operations and currently a staff member at CSTARs Baltimore. She shares her experience with blood resuscitation in the deployed environment and lessons that will be...
Season 1
Episode 19

GSACEP Lecture Series: The Damage Control Resuscitation Team Concept
Dr. Dan Brillhart and Army Nurse Erick Thronson discuss our experiences integrating a 2 person Damage Control Resuscitation (DCR) Team into the manuever element Special Operations Forces (SOF) in austere environments in Africa. This DCR Team mo...
Season 1
Episode 18

GSACEP Lecture Series: Soft Power and Military Emergency Medicine By CAPT John Devlin, MD
CAPT John Devlin, MD shares lessons learned from USNS Comfort.Watch the full episode and join the conversation at https://gsacep.tradewing.com/event/uw7Q78sJ6Yv7sADbh
Season 1
Episode 17

GSACEP Lecture Series: Lifelong Learning by Dr. Scott Young
How do you keep effectively adding new information to your brain throughout your life as an adult learner? Dr. Young, the Madigan Army Medical Center Residency Program Director, shares the latest science on what makes effective learning f...
Season 1
Episode 16

GSS2022 Sim Wars Preview with Dr. Rod Fontenette
How do you do medical Sim Wars in a pandemic? Listen to LtCol Rod Fontenette talk about creating a virtual Sim Wars the past two years for GSS. We are excited to welcome back our top teams from each service for the in person final r...
Season 1
Episode 15

GSACEP Lecture Series: Creating a POCUS Curriculum for SOF Medics Wells Weymouth, MD
Point of Care ultrasound is moving from the radiology suite to the battlefield. Dr. Weymouth discusses creation of a medic centered point of care ultrasound curriculum and some brief case discussions.CME is no longer available for...
Season 1
Episode 15

GSACEP Lecture Series: Hot to Clot: Anticoagulants and How to Reverse Them Gerald Maloney, DO
Gerald Maloney, DO, CPPS, CHCQM, FACEPFor access to the slides and to view the whole lecture, visit: https://pheedloop.com/GSS21/virtual/?page=sessions§ion=SESU5TWG5FMV7FZYXThis lecture qualifies for 0.5 Category I C...
Season 1
Episode 14

GSACEP Lecture Series: The Modern FRST: The Emergency Physician’s Role LTC Shane Summers
Shane Summers, MD, is the Deputy Director, Army Trauma Training Center (ATTC) and is an Associate Professor Military and Emergency Medicine, USUHS.For access to the slides and to view the whole lecture, visit: https://pheedloop.com/...

GSACEP Lecture Series: Head in the Clouds: The Importance of Mindset Downrange, in the Hospital, and in Everyday Life
Dr. Meaghan Keville is an Active Duty EM physician stationed at CSTARS Baltimore at the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center. Graduated USU in 2010 and then completed EM Residency at Wright Patterson AFB/Wright State University 2010-2013. She ha...
Season 1
Episode 12

GSACEP Lecture Series: Getting What You Need
Col John Wightman Professor and Chair, Department of Military & Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services UniversityCol Wightman offers very concrete tips on how to tackle common military problems.For access to the slides a...
Season 1
Episode 12

GSACEP Lecture Series: Camo Chameleon: Capitalizing on Adaptability in Your Military Career
COL (Ret) Missy Givens shares her surprising journey through the Army over her career, and insights into how to take advantages of opportunities to create a full and rewarding career in military emergency medicine.For access to the slid...
Season 1
Episode 11

Reflections of Service in Afghanistan: Col (Ret) Edward Fieg, USAF
Col (Ret) Edward Fieg spent one of his multiple deployments as an embedded advisor to an Afghan hospital, focused on improving the nation's capability to care for patients. He shares his reflections on his time in Afghanistan and how the ...
Season 1
Episode 10

Space Medicine and the Deconditioned Astronaut
Col(s) Kristen Silvia is a board certified Emergency Medicine Physician, Flight Surgeon and currently Chief of Bioastronautics at Detachment 3, Human Space Flight Support Office, Patrick Space Force Base, Florida. She leads the DoD’s contingenc...
Season 1
Episode 9

GSACEP Lecture Series: Deployment Toxicology by LtCol Joseph Maddry
LtCol Joseph Maddry is an Air Force emergency physician and toxicologist. Here he shares the unique aspects of deployment toxicology.For access to the slides and to view the whole lecture, visit: https://pheedloop.com/GSS21/vi...
Season 1
Episode 8

GSACEP Career Corner: LCDR Stuart, Succeeding with the Marines and More
Welcome to our first episode of the GSACEP Career Corner! We will highlight an individual's career path, with tips on how to succeed in varied military/federal assignments!Lieutenant Commander Stuart earned his Bachelor of Science degre...
Season 1
Episode 8

GSACEP Lecture Series: Perfect Practice- Clinical Sustainment of the Modern Times: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities by LCDR Grace Landers and CDR Robert Oldt
Are you curious about the recent buzz phrase, "Knowledge, Skills and Abilities" and maintenance of skills? Wonder about the requirements being developed to keep us ready to give care in a deployment environment? Would you like to be able to spe...
Season 1
Episode 7